I'm the founder of Scarf Monkey Ltd. Thank you for visiting us, I hope you enjoy looking through our designs. Scarf Monkey is a family run business, so you can rest assured that your purchase will receive our individual attention.
As a parent, I was increasingly frustrated by the clothing designs available for my daughter in everyday shops. I felt they were often too similar, and too focused on being pretty and air-headed, instead of on the great aspirations I wanted her to have, and the confidence I wanted her to have in her own future.
One day, I had an epiphany, I didn't have to stand sighing in the aisles, I could do the job myself. I admit, it was daunting. I had spent 22 years as a secondary school teacher and head teacher, in the UK and around the world, before I decided to start Scarf Monkey Ltd, but I realised I couldn't expect my daughter to be brave and confident, if I couldn't model those things in myself.
So, why "Scarf Monkey" when I'm designing t-shirts? That's easy: Scarf Monkey is the name of my son's first soft toy, his lifelong friend and faithful companion - my daughter's first toy was called Stinky, so you'll understand why I didn't choose that. Also, I wanted my son to be a part of our new adventure. After all, the whole company was built for her, the least I could do was name it for him.